Bonita Beach- Naples- Marco Island

“Medicine, Law, Business, Engineering; These are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But Poetry, Beauty, Romance, Love; These are what we stay alive for.”- Robin Williams

I spent 37 years of my life only focused on the finite. Clinging to provable problems and somewhat binary thoughts. I thought in terms of dollars and cents in relation to minutes. I found myself hanging on the cusp between rationality and my sanity, with little to no zest for life. Luckily, the art world would soon challenge my state of mind.

Growing up, we had a dark room in our basement. My mother was an art professor and often taught summer painting classes for children at our house. Unfortunately for my mother, I wasn’t able to sit still very long, and certainly not long enough to paint. But the hands on aspects of the darkroom kept me engaged. However, due to the limitations of a Pentax camera and the film of the time, we could only print in black and white. Therefore, my art journey had ended for almost 20 years, until I found myself forced to refocus my internal lense. And thus, began to see color and life clearly again.

“I think that helping collectors surround their lives with beauty is important. It’s not the number of minutes we have that matter, it’s how we spend them.”- AFF

Hence, I assist our collectors by bringing them art that interest their exact taste. However, the lighting in your home can drastically affect the viewability of your art. Furthermore, the colors of the walls and accents can change the look of your art and overall room. For these reasons we bring your works of interest to you and hold them up on the exact walls of final placement. It is my mission to give you the clearest perspective possible when purchasing your art. (Home shows are a free service) From there, we can adjust sizes, colors, and frames to find your perfect fit. Once ordered, it typically takes two weeks for me to return with your finalized works to help you hang.

Coastal Art Consultants is an in home concierge art service that strives to bring beauty, options, and clarity to our collectors.


Andy Frank Friederich (AFF)

Naples, FL